File #: ACT 25 -003    Version: Name:
Type: Miscellaneous Item Status: Reported to Exe Board
File created: 1/27/2025 In control: Executive Board
On agenda: 2/19/2025 Final action:
Title: Locally Administered Projects Program Additional Funding Request Chandler Hagen, MPO Staff
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Wendell Additional Funding Request


Locally Administered Projects Program Additional Funding Request

Chandler Hagen, MPO Staff



The Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) allows existing projects to request additional funding to address financial shortfalls.  Requests that fall below $1,000,000 of additional CAMPO funding can be approved administratively through the CAMPO Executive Director.  Requests exceeding $1,000,000 require CAMPO Executive Board approval. 


Requested Action: Action Approve the additional funding request for the Town of Wendell’s U-6244 Wendell Boulevard/Wendell Falls Parkway Intersection project.