File #: ACT 25 -005    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Miscellaneous Item Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 2/7/2025 In control: Executive Board
On agenda: 2/19/2025 Final action:
Title: Wake Transit BRT Extensions Concept of Operations Study Contract and Interlocal Funding Agreements Ben Howell, MPO Staff
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Project Contract, 3. Partner Interlocal Funding Agreements
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Wake Transit BRT Extensions Concept of Operations Study Contract and Interlocal Funding Agreements

Ben Howell, MPO Staff



CAMPO Received funding in the FY 2025 Wake Transit Work Plan to conduct a Concept of Operations Study for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Extensions from Cary to RTP and from Garner to Clayton.  The Concept of Operations Study builds on the Major Investment Study that was completed for the Extensions in 2023 and will provide a final service design for both Extensions, allowing them to progress to Engineering/Design, as well as confirming the Lead Planning Agency (LPA) for the Extensions.  The total contract cost of the Concept of Operations Study is $350,000, and NelsonNygaard has been selected through the Wake Transit On-Call Consultant process to lead the Study.  The Study is funded with a combination of Wake Transit funds and funding from Wake County partners as follows:

                     Wake Transit: $151,250

                     Town of Cary: $50,000

                     Regional Transportation Alliance: $8,750

                     Research Triangle Foundation: $17,500

                     City of Raleigh: $100,000

                     Town of Morrisville: $15,000

                     Town of Clayton: $7,500


The draft Contract with NelsonNygaard and the draft Interlocal Funding Agreements that will be executed with the funding partners are attached. 


Requested Action: Action Approve the Wake Transit BRT Extensions Concept of Operations Study Contract with NelsonNygaard and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract and the Interlocal Funding Agreements with the Funding Partners.