2025 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Program Call for Projects for October 1, 2025-September 30, 2027
Crystal Odum, MPO staff
Each year, the Raleigh Urbanized Area (UZA) is apportioned formula grant funding by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program. Section 5310 funds are available for capital and operating expenses that support the provision of transportation services to meet the specific needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The City of Raleigh (GoRaleigh) is the federally recognized designated recipient of Section 5310 funding for the Raleigh UZA and manages the program through an adopted Section 5310 Program Management Plan (PMP) that lays out the policies and procedures for project selection, funding distribution and administration of projects supported by the funding.
The City of Raleigh (GoRaleigh) is scheduled to present information to the Raleigh Transit Authority on February 5, 2025 to solicit applications from eligible funding recipients for the Section 5310 program from February 17th through March 14th, 2025. An application workshop will be held by GoRaleigh in mid-February to assist potential applicants with the application process and an understanding of project eligibility. A webinar (recorded Power Point presentation) designed to do the same will be made available at the beginning of the application solicitation window.
Per the Raleigh UZA’s adopted Section 5310 PMP, a project selection sub-committee appointed by the CAMPO Selection Committee comprised of members with various interests from throughout the Raleigh UZA will be convened in mid-March to review applications and make a recommendation on which projects should be awarded funding based on selection criteria outlined in the PMP. CAMPO staff is currently soliciting members for the Section 5310 project selection sub-committee. It is anticipated that a recommendation on a Section 5310 program of projects will be presented to be considered by the CAMPO TCC and Executive Board at their May 2025 meetings.
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