DRAFT 2050 MTP Deficiency Analysis
Chris Lukasina, MPO Executive Director
The Executive Board will receive an update on development of the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2050 MTP/CTP). The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is the region’s long-range transportation plan and includes both a fiscally constrained element as well as an unconstrained vision plan element known as the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). As such, this plan serves as both the region’s federally recognized MTP and state recognized CTP. This plan is required to be updated every four years. A current development schedule has been included as an attachment. The MPO staff has begun development of updated draft scenario alternatives for the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2050 MTP/CTP). The first of these scenarios is known as the Deficiency Analysis. This is a baseline scenario for the future that is used to help analyze the various scenarios we use in the upcoming Alternatives Analysis stage. The Deficiency Analysis includes our future projected growth with only our existing and committed transportation network and is used to help inform our forecasts for population, employment, and travel changes between today and our ultimate 2050 horizon year during the Alternatives Analysis. Interactive maps to explore the Deficiency Analysis datasets will be available through the CAMPO website. Next steps in the 2050 MTP development include:
§ Continued refinement of draft goals, objectives, and preliminary performance measures
§ Continued development of the Deficiency Analysis scenario
§ Continued development of the Alternatives Analysis scenario framework.
Requested Action: Action Receive as information and comment on preliminary Deficiency Analysis results.