US 1 North (U-5307) - Update
Chris Lukasina, MPO Staff
The proposed improvements for US 1 North, known as TIP project U-5307, would add capacity and upgrade the corridor to freeway from I-540 north to approximately the Franklin County line. While this project has continued to move through the project development process, the timing of the project’s funding has been impacted by the reprogramming of the STIP/TIP as well as the release of the draft 2026-2035 STIP/TIP. As a result of this, CAMPO staff were asked to work with NCDOT to identify potential options to restore the schedule or accelerate the completion of the project. Staff provided an update and potential options during the January 2024 Executive Board meeting. The Executive Board directed staff to formally request a toll study be conducted by NCDOT/NCTA for this corridor. In March 2024, CAMPO partnered with NCDOT to undertake a toll study. CAMPO staff and NCDOT/NCTA staff will provide an update on the status of the study.
Requested Action: Action Receive as information and consider next steps.