Mobility Management Program Funding Agreements
Shelby Powell, MPO Staff
In Fall 2023, CAMPO successfully applied for FTA Section 5310 funds to implement a regional Mobility Management Program. The utilization of this grant requires execution of two funding agreements, which are attached. The grant consists of $225,934 in 5310 funds, which will be matched by $56,483 in CAMPO member share match; and $72,839 in Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA 5310) funds, which require no local match. The funding agreements are included in draft form as attachments. The Regional Mobility Management program started implementation in January 2024, as per the FY 2024 UPWP and FY 2023 Mobility Management Implementation Study.
Requested Action: Action Authorize the Executive Director to sign and execute the final grant funding agreements.