Update to CAMPO’s Title VI and Limited English Proficiency Plans
Bonnie Parker, CAMPO
The Capital Area MPO has a Title VI (Civil Rights) Plan and a Limited English Proficiency (LEP - also referred to as Language Assistance) Plan which, together, describe how the MPO’s programs are not creating a disproportionate burden on any one group, and also help ensure access to participation in MPO decisions for specific communities.
MPO staff reviewed the existing plans, those of others from around the state, and the latest Title VI and LEP Plan templates provided by NCDOT’s Office of Civil Rights. These updated documents:
• Include the latest “Communities of Concern” calculations for the Title VI/ LEP Plans based on recent changes to CAMPO’s boundaries, and,
• Include revisions to the format and some of the content in order to be more user-friendly and understandable.
A public comment period will run from September 1 to October 15, the public hearing occurred at the September 18th Executive Board Meeting.
The proposed plan updates are attached to this report, and also posted online, here <https://www.campo-nc.us/get-involved/public-participation-plan> (<https://www.campo-nc.us/get-involved/public-participation-plan> .
Requested Action: Action Approve the updated Title VI and Limited English Proficiency Plans.