Congestion Management Process Update
Evan Koff / MPO Staff
The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a plan for providing for the safe and effective management and operation of new and existing transportation facilities. This is accomplished by using demand reduction and operational management strategies. The CMP is required to be developed and implemented as an integral part of the Metropolitan Planning process in Transportation Management Areas (TMAs).
The document contains performance measures; which are standards that can be used at a regional level to track systemwide performance; or at the corridor, roadway, or intersection level to identify deficiencies within the system. These performance measures can also be used to identify the successfulness of implemented strategies. The performance measures that are used will be monitored continuously and summarized during future updates to the CMP.
The CMP document includes a toolbox of potential congestion reduction and mobility strategies. The idea behind this toolbox is to encourage ways to deal with congestion and mobility problems beyond traditional through-lane capacity projects. As the CMP is implemented, local municipalities and other agencies will use this toolbox as a starting point when considering alternative solutions for evaluation.
At the Executive Board's October meeting, staff will provide an overview on the CMP's 30-day public comment period, which concluded on October 15, 2024. Staff will also provide an overview of any changes to the language of the document that occurred after the Executive Board's September meeting. The CMP document was posted to the CAMPO website on September 16, 2024, and remains available for public consumption. At its October 3rd meeting, the TCC recommended the Executive approve the CMP FY 2025 update. Staff is requesting the Executive Board conduct a public hearing and take action to approve the new CMP.
Requested Action: Action Conduct a Public...
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