Apex Rail Switching Operations Relocation Study Interlocal Agreement
Gaby Lawlor, MPO Staff
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in partnership with the Town of Apex, invited qualified consulting firms or persons to submit Requests for Proposals to examine the feasibility of moving CSX rail switching operations out of downtown Apex. The study will evaluate and document CSX operational requirements for their rail switching operations, opportunities to benefit the CSX network and operations, the feasibility of at least two alternate locations for CSX rail switching operations, conceptual designs for required upgrades to existing infrastructure, and planning-level cost estimates associated with alternative locations. In addition, the scope should identify relevant federal grant opportunities to fund future phases and provide information that can be used to pursue those federal funds. The intent behind this effort is to address the safety, traffic congestion, diesel engine emissions, vibration, and noise issues created by the CSX switching operations in downtown Apex.
The draft agreement is attached to this agenda item for review and consideration. The study will not exceed $100,000.
Requested Action: Action Approve the Apex Rail Switching Operations Relocation Study Interlocal Agreement and authorize the CAMPO Executive Director to execute the agreement.